RE-CREATION PHOTOS:2019 marked the 50TH ANNIVERSARY of WOODSTOCK and at many festivals, LOS AMIGOS was asked to re-create SANTANA's classic set from this famous 1969 concert. Enjoy some of the photos below.


RE-CREATION: Los Amigos has done tireless research to bring back the look and sound of Santana from their famous FILLMORE shows during the 69-71 Era... even adding a NEIL SCHON performer reproducing the dynamic dual guitar attack of the later period! Enjoy photos below


RE-CREATION PHOTOS: LOS AMIGOS brings out all the star performers to pay tribute not only to the guitar greatness of Carlos Santana and Neil Schon but also to the talents of BUDDY MILES in RE-CREATING the incredible 1972 SUNSHINE FESTIVAL in Hawaii where Buddy and Carlos teamed to make an amazing LIVE CD and Buddy became a perennial part of the band. Enjoy the photo slide show below.